Jun 25, 2020 | Educational, Flooding, FZ7, Gallinas Creek, Meeting, News
On Wednesday, July 8 2020 the Gallinas Watershed Council held an ONLINE MEETING. Our special guest speaker was Gerhard Epke, Senior Program Coordinator for the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. Gerhard updated us on Gallinas Valley watershed...
Jan 2, 2018 | Civic Center, Event, Issues, Meeting, News
The first monthly GWC board meeting was on Wednesday January 3, 2018. Special Guest Speaker Jim Wondolleck, Captain of the North Bay Radio Controlled Sailing Club (NBRCSC). These fine sailors race their RC sailboats on the waters of the Civic Center lagoon. Big Fun to...
May 30, 2017 | Event, Meeting, News
Ecosystem Services with Dr. Michael Vasey Dr. Michael Vasey, Director of the SF Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (SF Bay NERR) and Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies, will give a presentation on Ecosystem Services; what they are and how they...
Apr 19, 2017 | CA Ridgway's Rail, Clapper Rail, Educational, Event, Issues, Meeting, News
CLAPPER RAILS (Ridgway’s Rails) are the topic on May 3 Guest Speaker GWC is thrilled to have had Jules Evens as guest speaker on May 3, 2017. Jules is a renowned expert on our local endangered species, the California Clapper Rail (now called Ridgway’s...
Mar 5, 2017 | Drought, Educational, Event, Flooding, Meeting, News
Gallinas Watershed Council and Environmental Forum of Marin present a lecture about the health of the Delta and how it affects San Francisco Bay with a focus on the status of the Twin Tunnel proposal to divert water from the Delta. The Twin Tunnels and SF Waterways...