
Water and Weather

Gallinas Creek TourGallinas Creek

Gallinas Creek runs from the upper slopes of San Rafael open space areas in an open channelized stretch through an urban residential area, then winds through the Santa Margherita Island and Santa Venetia preserves, and discharges into San Pablo Bay.

Gallinas Creek is highly impacted by channelization and urban residential runoff in its upper and middle reaches.

The north fork of Gallinas Creek drains the Smith Ranch Road sub-watershed, the Northgate Industrial area and Terra Linda along Manual T. Freitas Parkway.

The south fork of Gallinas Creek drains the Civic Center Lagoon, the auditorium channel, including Los Ranchitos, Northgate Shopping Center, and Santa Venetia.

See also PDF attachment below (or at this website)

Source: City of San Rafael


Gallinas Watershed Imperviousness Map
From the Marin County Watershed Program

China Camp Real- time Water Data
Water monitoring station near the mouth of Gallinas Creek with Real time  information.  Station location: a large piling in the creek near the end of (East) Vendola Dr.

Run by the National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) Centralized Data Management Office (CDMO), and National Weather Service (NWS)

Real-Time Rainfall, Creek Stage, and Weather Data
From the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (MCFCWCD).