

civiccenterBay Area Water
Association of Bay Area Government’s (ABAG) Water/Land Use & Coastal Studies Program archive for Bay Area Watersheds

Boating Clean and Green Campaign
Outreach program to promote environmentally sound boating practices for marine business and boaters. By California Department of Boating and Waterways and the California Coastal Commission.

City of San Rafael

City of San Rafael City Council

City of San Rafael Community Development Dept.

City of San Rafael Green Initiatives

City of San Rafael Climate Change Action Plan

City of San Rafael Vision North San Rafael (November 1997)

City of San Rafael Airport

City of San Rafael General Plan

City of San Rafael Climate Change Action Plan [PDF file]
– Mayor Al Boro an initial signer of the US Conference of Mayors Climate Projection Agreement in 2005, pledging the city to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in accord with the Kyoto Protocols. To meet these goals, the City Council appointed a Green Ribbon Committee to lead a community process to prepare this plan in responding to climate change. Recommenations include decreasing miles traveled in single-occupant vehicles and encourage greater residential and commercial densities.

San Rafael Connects
-In 2008, San Rafael launched “San Rafael Connects” a new framework for communication with our neighborhoods, businesses and the general community. We’ve established four “San Rafael Connects” (SRC) teams, consisting of staff from multiple departments, which serves a designated area of San Rafael. Each SRC team is responsible for learning about and understanding the community, culture, and concerns of the residents, businesses and groups in its specific area.

Department of Fish and Game
– Maintains native fish, wildlife, plant species and natural communities for intrinsic and ecological value and benefits to people. Habitat protection and maintenance.

Marin Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)
– Created to discourage urban sprawl and
To initiate and assist in studies of existing local government agencies with the goal of improving the efficiency and reducing the costs of providing urban services; and

Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District (LGVSD)
– Wastewater treatment and reclamation facility (incl. freshwater marsh, irrigated pastures, storage ponds, saltwater marsh, home to wildlife)

Marin County
Marin County Department of Public Works Watershed Stewardship Program

– Dept. of Public Works map and infos

Marin County Government
– The Civic Center complex is the seat of our County Government

Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (MCSTOPP)
– Joint effort of Marin’s cities, towns and unincorporated areas to prevent stormwater pollution, protect and enhance water quality in creeks and wetlands, and preserve beneficial uses of local waterways

Marin County Supervisor Susan Adams

Marin County Watershed Program
In 2008, the Marin County Board of Supervisors identified the implementation of a watershed-based flood and stream protection program as one of the County’s top priority initiatives. The watershed program provides a framework to integrate flood protection, creek and wetland restoration, fish passage, and water quality improvements to protect and enhance Marin’s watersheds.

Marin County Open Space District (MCOSD)
– local government agency responsible for preserving public open space in Marin. Enhance the quality of life through the acquisition, protection, and responsible stewardship of ridgelands, baylands and environmentally sensitive lands targeted for preservation in the Marin Countywide Plan.

Marin Hazardous Marin Hazardous and Solid Waste Joint Powers Authority
– inform county residents and businesses of the many ways they can help reduce and recycle their solid waste and properly dispose of hazardous materials. Created ZERO WASTE MARIN.

Marin Telecommunications Agency (MTA)
Joint Powers Authority administering Comcast cable franchise. Develop policy related to telecommunications services in Marin County, including cable and broadband.
555 Northgate Dr., Suite 230
San Rafael, CA  94903
Ph: (415) 448-0355

National Estuary Program (EPA NEP)
– Each EPA NEP establishes a Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan to meet the goals of Clean Water Act Section 320. NEPs are effective, efficient, collaborative, and adaptive community-based programs.

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
– Helps America’s private land owners and managers conserve their soil, water, and other natural resources. Provide technical and financial assistance for many conservation activities.

North Bay Water Reuse Authority (NBWRA)
– North San Pablo Bay program promotes sustainability and environmental enhancement by expanding use of recycled water.

North Bay Watershed Association (NBWA)
– 15 local and regional public agencies in Marin, Sonoma, and Napa working on water resources issues to promote stewardship of the North Bay watershed.

See also their website for clean green sewer laterals at marinlaterals.org

San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority (SFBRA)
– Regional government agency allocating resources for restoration, enhancement, protection, and enjoyment of wetlands and wildlife habitat.

San Francisco Estuary Project
– Federal-state-local partnership to protect and restore the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary (one of 28 National Estuary Programs established under the Clean Water Act). Developed a plan of action to protect and restore the Estuary, the Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan. CCMP is a collaboratively produced, consensus-based agreement about what should be done to protect and restore the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary and serves as a roadmap for restoring the Estuary’s chemical, physical, and biological health.
2007 Revised CCMP[PDF file]

San Rafael Clean
– Litter education and eradication programs

Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program

– SCVURPPP has a public education initiative called My Watershed Watch dedicated to raising awareness about protecting watersheds and preventing storm water pollution.

State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
– Sets statewide policy, coordinates and supports Regional Water Board efforts, allocates surface water rights (also at www.waterboards.ca.gov)