Jan 7, 2019 | CA Ridgway's Rail, Clapper Rail, Creek Cleanup, Docks, Event, Flooding, Gallinas Creek, Issues, King Tide, News, Trash
Local volunteers keep Gallinas Creek clean. Ever been out on a King Tide Creek Cleanup? The best cleanup times are during King Tides. These highest tides of the year are almost 7 feet! Sound like fun? Anyone with a kayak or canoe can help clean up Gallinas...
Sep 19, 2017 | CA Ridgway's Rail, Clapper Rail, Educational, Event, Issues, Meeting, Miller Creek, News, Watershed Management Plan
Please join us at the next monthly GWC board meeting on Wednesday October 4, 2017 at Northgate Mall in the Community Room above the Food Court. Public portion of our meetings begins at 7 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings. GWC is delighted to welcome Bene...
Jul 11, 2017 | Airport, CA Ridgway's Rail, Clapper Rail, Educational, Event, Issues, Meeting, News, SMART, Wetlands
SLIDE SHOW (in PDF format). Clapper Rails! May 3 GWC Board...
Apr 19, 2017 | CA Ridgway's Rail, Clapper Rail, Educational, Event, Issues, Meeting, News
CLAPPER RAILS (Ridgway’s Rails) are the topic on May 3 Guest Speaker GWC is thrilled to have had Jules Evens as guest speaker on May 3, 2017. Jules is a renowned expert on our local endangered species, the California Clapper Rail (now called Ridgway’s...
Sep 23, 2014 | CA Ridgway's Rail, Clapper Rail
Remember when Pluto was demoted from Planet to Dwarf Planet? That’s kind of how this feels… Our beloved GWC mascot, the California Clapper Rail, is apparently NOT a clapper rail. Nope, this is not a joke. The California Clapper Rail is now called the...