[singlepic id=41 w=320 h=240 float=right]Do you know of any funds or grants for our environmental organization and the protection of Las Gallinas creek and watershed?
Please contact us and let us know!
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Funding Sources
Here are some of the funding sources we are familiar with.
Rose Foundation
Thank you Rose Foundation!
Through the Rose Foundation and with the help of MarinLink, GWC was a 2010 recipient of The Northern California Environmental Grassroots Fund. You can learn more about this Fund here.
The Grassroots Fund supports small groups throughout greater northern California that are tackling tough environmental problems including toxic pollution, urban sprawl, environmental degradation of our rivers and wild places, as well as, of our communities and our health. Maximum grant size is $5,000.
Union Bank
As part of its 10-year community commitment, Union Bank has pledged 2 percent of its net profit annually to charitable contributions, a portion of which is dedicated to the environment.
In 2009, the bank’s charitable investment in our communities totaled $11 million, including $9.8 million in grants, contributions, and sponsorships to help finance the efforts of nonprofit organizations within the bank’s marketplace.
The 2 percent charitable commitment is achieved through contributions and sponsorships made directly by the bank, by grants and investments made through the Union Bank Foundation, and through the expenses and resources committed by the bank to run the charitable contributions program.
Specific project areas funded by Union Bank Foundation include:
- Coasta/creek and reserve cleanup and preservation
- Urban green space projects
- Environmental education
Useful links:
Foundation Grant Guidelines PDF
Online Application Checklist PDF
Distributes funds from sales of the WHALE TAIL® License Plate. The grants support programs that teach California’s children and the general public to value and take action to improve the health of the state’s marine and coastal resources. Adopt-A-Beach programs, as well as other beach maintenance and coastal habitat restoration projects that have an educational component, are also eligible for these grants. This grants program focuses on reaching communities that are currently poorly served in terms of marine and coastal education.
Available Funding: A total of $226,000 will be distributed. Applicants may request any amount up to $50,000, and 25-50% of the funding will be allocated in small grants under $10,000.
Categories of Grants: The WHALE TAIL® Grants Program funds projects that fall into any one of the following three categories: 1) Adopt-A-Beach programs; 2) Youth programs; 3) Programs for the general public.
Eligibility: Applicants must be either a non-profit organization or a governmental entity. For beach operation and maintenance projects, the applicant must be a non-profit organization or local governmental agency. For proposals in the Adopt-A-Beach category, both current and new Adopt-A-Beach managers are eligible to apply.
Five-Star Restoration Matching Grants Program
Provides modest financial assistance on a competitive basis to support community-based wetland, riparian, and coastal habitat restoration projects that build diverse partnerships and foster local natural resource stewardship through education, outreach and training activities. Applications are due via Easygrants.
NOAA Bay Watershed Education and Training
California Bay Watershed Education and Training Program
Federal funding opportunity. Proposals due on October 5, 2010
Las Gallinas Creek/Santa Venetia Levee Funding
Earmark Disclosure 21198, Las Gallinas Creek/Santa Venetia Levee
Las Gallinas Creek/Santa Venetia Levee $375,000Rep. Lynn Woolsey (CA-6) requests $375,000 for:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District
For the completion of the Initial Assessment and Feasibility Study for the Las Gallinas Creek/Santa Venetia Levee Flood Control Project. This project deserves funding because it contributes to the national priority of public safety and supports the local community.
Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey Fiscal Year 2010 Appropriations Requests
WHALE TAIL® Grants Program
California Coastal Commission
Application Forms
The WHALE TAIL® Grants Program distributes funds from sales of the WHALE TAIL® License Plate. The grants support programs that teach California’s children and the general public to value and take action to improve the health of the state’s marine and coastal resources.
Categories of Grants: The WHALE TAIL® Grants Program funds projects that fall into any one of the following three categories: 1) Adopt-A-Beach programs; 2) Youth programs; 3) Programs for the general public.
Eligibility: Applicants must be either a non-profit organization or a governmental entity.
Catalog of Federal Funding Sources for Watershed Protection (EPA)
Clean Water Financing (EPA)
Info on Government Funding Sources
Clean Water State Revolving Fund (EPA)
Includes: Funding Estuary Projects Using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund [PDF]
Region 9: Grants & Funding (EPA)
Includes Funding Sources for Communities and nonprofits
$40 Million Restoration Funds
In early 2009 Marin County apparently gained access to $40 Million for watershed and wetland restoration.
The Gallinas Watershed Council would like your support in requesting information about the availability and use of these funds.
- Find out more about the funds and if they will be obtained
- What are the goals for use of these funds
- What is the timeline around designation and use
- Use the opportunity as a call for participation in the community.
- What does the community want to see happen with available money
- How does the community engage and have a voice in the goals and use
- Get information/communicate it to the community/gather support/define community based goals for action/ACT
State Board Stimulus Funds
This is the latest word we have on the State Water Board’s plan for spending $281 million of federal stimulus funds coming to the State Revolving (Loan) Fund as a result of the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 (i.e., the large federal stimulus bill passed in February). The State Board staff is proposing that 50% of the funds be used for grants and 50% for low or zero interest loans (the latter is the usual dispensation of these funds under the State Revolving Loan Fund program, which is funded through U.S. EPA). After administration costs are taken out, the total amount available is about $270 million. The proposal will be heard at the State Board meeting on Tuesday, March 17th. The full text of the State Board resolution on implementing the SRF is available at http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/board_info/agendas/2009/mar/031709_13.pdf . There is also more information on the State website funding page on the ARRA as well as further explanation of SRF.
Of the 50% proposed for grants, half of that is proposed for projects in disadvantaged communities (DACs) and the other half for projects that have lost funding under the current frozen water bonds (Props 13, 40, and 50) that are funded through the State Board. In other words, ~$70 million will be available for continuing existing grants; this is less than half the amount of obligated frozen bond funds allocated to all the existing projects, which is about $165 million. The State Board has put together a list of all the grants they believe qualify under the ARRA and SRF criteria (primarily how ready to implement, green infrastructure, job creation, etc. — it is somewhat complicated and difficult to summarize here so check SB website for more complete info). So far this initial list appears to include most of the grants in our Region, but may exclude a few that are clearly planning projects only.
Contrary to earlier guidance we were given from SB, existing frozen bond grantees DO NOT HAVE TO FILL OUT ANY APPLICATION FORMS AT THIS POINT. The SB staff has just sent out a survey to all of the grantees on their frozen bond list to get a better idea of which qualify and where money can be most effectively used. In conversations with State Board staff, they have told us that only on-the-ground construction (incl. restoration) projects can be funded under the ARRA guidelines. We are advised that priorities are based on number of jobs, health and safety, and green infrastructure, as well as readiness to proceed. The re-start up date for the grants is currently scheduled for mid-May, to meet the ARRA requirements.
Any proposals that are not current frozen grants (i.e., DAC or loan projects) DO NEED TO APPLY and be put on a priority list. This list is generated from the State Water Board’s Financial Assistance Application Submittal Tool (FAAST), so applicants need to go to that website https://faast.waterboards.ca.gov/ and fill out an application. The State Board plans to generate a preliminary priority list for the LOAN applications on March 30 and a final list by the end of June, after public comment and State Board approval.
The timeline for DAC/green infrastructure projects (GRANTS) is to have a final list by July 18th. The State Board’s current proposal for disadvantaged communities defines those as communities with median household income less than 80% of statewide MHI. Our understanding is that communities in the Bay Area rarely meet this income threshold. So if the State Board allocates grants as proposed, the current proposal would not allocate many grant funds to new projects in our area. However, it is not entirely clear how communities will be defined (parts of cities, etc.) so it is possible projects in the Bay Area could receive funding.
This pot of money is also targeted toward green infrastructure projects, as at least 20% of the ARRA funds must be spent this way — however, the 20% could also come from loan projects. Although much of the ARRA is focused on “shovel-ready” construction and job creation, other projects that meet state nonpoint source criteria may be eligible. Also, percentages may change depending on how many DAC projects actually apply. Therefore, applicants for non-DAC grant projects should consider applying for these grants in order to be on the list if they become eligible.
Note that there are no matching requirements for these stimulus funds and that non-profit organizations may apply — this is a change from previous SRF criteria.
State Board staff expects many comments on their proposal, so any or all of this could presumably change after the Board hearing next Tuesday.
NOAA Stimulus Funds
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is seeking proposals for up to $170 million nationwide for coastal habitat restoration projects under the ARRA with an application date of April 6th. They are seeking very large projects, in the $1-10 million range, and they are highly competitive.
Therefore, if you are involved in a project that fits the criteria, you probably are already on top of this through the SF Bay Joint Venture, South Bay Salt Ponds, or other endeavors, but if you want more information, you can find it at http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/habitat/recovery/