California Coastkeeper Alliance
CCKA is a member of the Waterkeeper Alliance and supports, and enhances the work of local Waterkeeper programs to provide a statewide voice for safeguarding California’s waters.
California Watershed Network (CWN)
– Non-profit organization to help people protect and restore the natural environments of California’s watersheds while ensuring healthy and sustainable communities. CWN works to develop a coordinated network of community-based watershed management in California.
Directory of North Bay Watershed Groups
– List is alphabetized by County and by creek or watershed name within each County
Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed
– Increasing awareness to protect and increase the diversity of remaining natural ecosystems, especially urbanized creeks and wetlands.
Friends of the Novato Creek (FNC)
– Grassroots organization with the goal of protecting, restoring, and improving the quality of the Novato Creek Watershed.
Friends of the Petaluma River
– Dedicated to celebrating and conserving the Petaluma River, its wetlands, and wildlife.
Marin County Watershed Program
– In 2008, the Marin County Board of Supervisors identified the implementation of a watershed-based flood and stream protection program as one of the County’s top priority initiatives. The watershed program provides a framework to integrate flood protection, creek and wetland restoration, fish passage, and water quality improvements to protect and enhance Marin’s watersheds.
MCSTOPP Creek Friendly Groups List
– Lists Names and tel. number to call . . . to join a Creek-Friendly Group (GVWC is listed)
Miller Creek Watershed Stewards (Marinwood Association)
– Watershed stewardship and voice for all residents of the Miller Creek Watershed (Marinwood, Lucas Valley and all communities from Big Rock to the Bay).
Mill Valley StreamKeepers
– Community action group working to restore and protect Mill Valley’s Watersheds.
North Bay Watershed Association (NBWA)
– 15 local and regional public agencies in Marin, Sonoma, and Napa working on water resources issues to promote stewardship of the North Bay watershed. See also their website for clean green sewer laterals at and the website called The Historical Ecology of Miller Creek with NBWA also helped sponsor.
Petaluma Wetlands Alliance (PWA)
– Madrone Audubon Society committee dedicated to the creation, restoration and stewardship of publicly accessible wetlands and wildlife habitats.
Ross Valley Watershed Flood Protection & Watershed Program
– Collaborative program by County of Marin Dept. of Public Works, Cities, Towns and Nonprofits (incl. Watershed Councils).
San Francisco Baykeeper
A local Waterkeeper Alliance organization that serves as a public advocate for healthy waterways for the SF Bay Area and Delta watershed.
San Pablo Watershed Neighbors Education & Restoration Society (SPAWNERS)
– Protect San Pablo Creek Watershed and inspire community appreciation and stewardship through advocacy, education, and habitat restoration.
Tomales Bay Watershed Council
– Protect and restore the watershed, improve the water quality of Tomales Bay, and implement the Tomales Bay Watershed Stewardship Plan.
Waterkeeper Alliance
– International grassroots advocay organization headed by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Dedicated to preserving and protecting water from polluters and promoteing the Waterkeeper model for watershed protection worldwide. Each of their over 180 Waterkeeper organizations worldwide enforces Clean Water laws.