
Gallinas Creek Restoration Vision

The Gallinas Creek Restoration Vision is based on many ideas and studies.

1. County of Marin Gallinas Watershed Program Report

Gallinas Watershed Creek Restoration - Creek and texts. Download the County of Marin Report PDF: Upper Creek Restoration Opportunities

This 2016 report Investigates opportunities to restore the concrete channel in Terra Linda to a natural channel.

2. Gallinas Creek Hydrology Report

Gallinas Watershed Creek Restoration - Kamman Hydrology - Logo and texts.
Kamman Hydrology prepared a creek hydrology study for the Bay Institute, MCSTOPPP, and Friends of Gallinas Creek in 2004. Their findings showed that full creek restoration is not only possible but also highly desirable and can be done while meeting flood control objectives. In other words, a greenbelt park could be created from the headwaters in the hills to the bay. Santa Margarita Homeowners Association made the first attempt in their “Recreate the Creek” effort.

We refer you, especially to part 5.0 of the Kamman Hydrology report, Conceptual Alternatives and Feasibility which lays out four alternatives, from minimal to full restoration.

A full restoration would not only bring beauty and life to our otherwise LA-Aquaduct-style ditch that is the upper stretch of Gallinas Creek but could potentially return spawning salmon that were seen historically as far up the creek as Safeway.

Funding, available from a variety of sources, could be coordinated to help bring this project to fruition.

Download the Kamman Hydrology Report PDF: Gallinas Creek Hydrology Report.

3. Green Streets

Gallinas Watershed - Green Streets - Trees and texts.

Download the San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) Report PDF: Green Streets

Sustainable Stormwater Solutions for Greener Communities and a Cleaner Bay

4. Merrydale Promenade

Gallinas Watershed - Merrydale Promenade - A road and text.

Residents and community leaders have been meeting for the past 3 years with San Rafael’s Department of Public Works in order to complete an important section of the Promenade along Merrydale road from the SMART station to the Mall.

Download the Merrydale Promenade Citizens Advisory Group and WTB-TAM proposal.