California Approves New Graywater Standard
California can now legally install simple laundry and single fixture systems without a permit. Licensed professionals can now legally help with existing graywater systems. On July 31 the California Buildings Standards Commission (BSC) approved new graywater standards. The new emergency rules took effect on August 4, 2009 (18 months ahead of schedule).
The new systems will provide non-potable water for irrigation, and are expected to replace many millions of gallons of drinking water normally used for that purpose. BSC is also revising California’s Green Building Standards to include many new mandatory and voluntary measures to reduce negative impacts and increase positive impacts of California buildings. (California Urban Water Conservation Council)
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Contact Rogers Remodel Inc.
Note: This video was produced BEFORE California’s new greywater rules went into effect in August 2009.
What is Graywater (or greywater)?
Graywater is the wastewater produced from washing machines, showers and sinks, and its use for irrigation or other purposes. Benefits of graywater systems include saving money and resources — less fresh water is used, so there’s less strain on a septic tank or local treatment plants, and the water can be reused for irrigation. Graywater potential is huge, as it accounts for 50 – 80% of residential wastewater.