
CLAPPER RAILS (Ridgway’s Rails) are the topic on May 3

California Ridgway's Rail, formerly California Clapper Rail

California Ridgway’s Rail, formerly California Clapper Rail

Guest Speaker

GWC is thrilled to have had Jules Evens as guest speaker on May 3, 2017. Jules is a renowned expert on our local endangered species, the California Clapper Rail (now called Ridgway’s Rail). Jules will be sharing the results of his research with us. Has the SMART train had an impact on this endangered bird?

Jules Evens Ridgeway's Rail talk

Jules Evens Ridgeway’s Rail talk

SLIDE SHOW (in PDF format).

Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings at the Northgate Mall Community room in Terra Linda.

The public portion of our meetings begins at 7 pm. Please join us!

GWC usually holds monthly meetings on the First Wednesday of the month (except for holidays).


Northgate Mall Community Room
7000 Northgate Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903
Get directions here