


SMART Train (Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit)

A SMART Train is coming!

GWC supports the use of public transportation to reduce greenhouse gases, curb global warming, and reduce automobile traffic and emissions.

The SMART Train tracks run from the Novato-Hamilton station south along the shore of San Pablo Bay and into Miller Creek Watershed and then Las Gallinas Creek Watershed.

Here in the Las Gallinas Creek Watershed the SMART tracks follow along the the South Fork of Las Gallinas Creek right to the Civic Center. There will be a train station built at the Civic Center right in the heart of our watershed.

We want to ensure that the all the SMART Train construction work both near Las Gallinas Creek and throughout our watershed are done with the least possible impact on Gallinas Creek. We want to protect our local flora and fauna, minimize the impact of SMART construction and operation to our sensitive wetlands, and to the entire Gallinas Watershed.

What Can I Do?

  1. Learn more about the environmental impact of the SMART Train.
  2. Walk along the SMART train tracks and take photos and notes!
  3. Report anything you think is noteworthy to GWC. We will pass information on to the SMART developers.