Jul 29, 2018 | Bike The Watershed, Educational, Event, News, SMART
Bike the Watershed 8! MCBC and GWC organized our eighth annual bike ride & picnic! On August 25, 2018 from 10 AM to 2 PM we rode our bikes from the Marin Civic Center on a scenic bike ride through the Gallinas Watershed in North San Rafael. Our trip took us past...
Aug 30, 2016 | Educational, Event, Flooding, News, Open Space, SMART, Watershed Management Plan, Wetlands
Bike the Watershed VI Our sixth annual bike ride through Gallinas Watershed in North San Rafael was enjoyed by all. August 20, 2016 we had our annual fun bike ride. Our rides are easy, fun, and educational. All-ages can ride with us. Participants including Supervisor...
Jul 11, 2015 | Civic Center, Educational, Event, Fundraiser, Issues, News, Northgate Mall, Open Space, SMART, terra linda ditch, Watershed Management Plan
Bike the Watershed 5 The Gallinas Watershed Council fifth annual bike ride through Gallinas Watershed in North San Rafael took placeon August 15, 2015. This easy, fun and educational all-ages ride featured stops along the way to discuss the watershed and its...