
Help protect the biologically rich Gallinas wetlands from the massive proposed airport development.

The Gallinas Creek watershed in Marin County is home to one of the largest populations of federally endangered California clapper rails in the north bay.

Nestled between historic China Camp State Park and the Hamilton Field restoration site, the watershed is also home to the salt marsh harvest mouse, black rail and steelhead trout.

The 2.5 acre San Rafael aiport project, a proposed two-story, Walmart-size indoor and outdoor sports complex, would bring light and noise pollution, toxic runoff, increased traffic and excessive disturbance to the marsh and creek. It belongs nearer to transportation and far from fragile wetlands.

Watch simulation video of proposed facility.

What can you do?

Tell San Rafael leaders that this facility should be located elsewhere! (Sponsored by Center for Biological Diversity)

Write a letter!
Click here to contact City of San Rafael

Attend a public meeting!

City of San Rafael Planning Commission has scheduled the Merits of the Project meeting for March 27, 2012. Please attend and show your support for the Gallinas Watershed.