
soccerWhere can one play soccer in San Rafael and nearby East Marin?

Are there any alternative locations for the large sports complex development planned for the San Rafael airport?


Here are some alternative locations without the environmental impact of the facility planned for the airport wetlands.

Potential locations for a sports facility

  1. 923 E Francisco Blvd and the next door business – both buildings vacant. 923 use to be Post Tool – it is a huge building.
  2. VACANT LOT at E Francisco Blvd & Castro. Plans for a new car dealership have not materialized.
  3. VACANT LOT at Windward & Bellam as well as much of Windward street itself. There is a huge field where locals currently have pickup soccer games on a regular basis.
  4. Yardbirds is vacant.

Existing Indoor Soccer Facilities

  1.     Tamalpais High School, Mill Valley
  2.     Mill Valley Middle School, Mill Valley
  3.     Hall Middle School, Larkspur
  4.     Drake High School, Fairfax
  5.     Miller Creek School, Marinwood
  6.     Manzanita Center, Marin City
  7.     Neil Cummins School, Corte Madera
  8.     Pickleweed Community Center, SanRafael
  9.     Davidson Middle School, San Rafael
  10.     Hoover Middle School, SF program

Source: Dave Fromer’s Marin Soccer Camp