GWC had a booth at the Promenade Celebration in May 2010
The Promenade conceptual plan was adopted as part of the North San Rafael Vision and General Plan 2020.
These Terra Linda / North San Rafael improvements are intended to improve pedestrian and bicycle connections among the diverse mixture of residential, school, shopping, office and recreational areas in the north San Rafael area.
It closes an important gap in the North/South Bikeway corridor. The entire Promenade path provides safer routes across Freitas Parkway and around the Northgate Mall, both areas with significant car traffic and students riding and walking to area schools.
The North San Rafael Promenade is intended to be an identifiable bicycle/pedestrian route between the Terra Linda Recreation Center and the Civic Center, and will include design features that will create a distinctive appearance as portions of the facility are implemented.
Northgate Mall has implemented parts of the Promenade Plan as part of their renovation.
North San Rafael Vision Promenade Conceptual Plan (PDF)
Northgate Gap Closure
The Northgate Gap Closure project will close an important gap in the north/south bikeway and provide safer routes across Freitas Parkway and around the Northgate Mall, both areas with significant car traffic and students walking and riding to area schools.
GWC expresses disappointment that Las Gallinas Creek was NOT included in the original Vision process, by design, and that Las Gallinas Creek has NOT been addressed in the General Plan 2020 either.
Please read the attached file “NorthSanRafaelPromenade_LowQuality.pdf” below from Bob Brown, City of San Rafael. Email [email protected] to send him your comments.