
On December 8, 2015 the CCWR volunteer students from the Marin School of Environmental Leadership LEAD program presented “Marin’s Floating Islands” to the Marin County Government at the Board of Supervisors meeting in the Marin County Civic Center.

Watch their presentation here:

Civic Center Watershed Restoration (CCWR) is a GWC project to improve the water quality of the Marin Civic Center watershed.

civic center lagoon floating islands

The CCWR project, in conjunction with the Gallinas Watershed Council, is focused on education and community engagement to foster stewardship of our natural commons. We are a coalition of business, foundations, and volunteers intent on improving the water quality and overall environmental health of the Civic Center Lagoon and Gallinas Creek.

Run-off from the surrounding parking lots and overpopulation by non-native birds have increase water pollution levels. The lagoon connects directly to the South Fork of Gallinas Creek and the San Pablo Bay marshlands, habitat for endangered species such as the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse and California Ridgeway’s Rail (formerly California Clapper Rail).

These islands have been used by similar community funded-coalitions in Walnut Creek and Marysville, CA. With plantings on the surface and roots in the water, they provide natural water filtration and wildlife habitat. Once installed, floating islands require little maintenance.

With the help of many other organizations and individuals the CCWR project launched two floating island biofilters in the Marin Civic Center Lagoon during the 2015 Bioneers Conference in October 2015. The prestigious international event brought national attention to our project to improve the water quality of the Civic Center Lagoon. The innovative demonstration floating islands with informative signage are an inportant step in our efforts to restore the Gallinas Watershed.

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