
Did you know that Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) is offering all their customers a FREE on-site water efficiency surveys?

To schedule your free survey call (415) 945-1523 or email the Water Conservation Department.

MMWD will send a water conservation specialist to your home. Their expert will identify where you might be wasting water — showerheads, toilets, faucets, clothes washers, irrigation systems, water-needy plants, leaks—and offer tips and ideas on how to conserve.

Learn more about their Conservation Assistance Program here (CAP).

For an in-home water survey checklist visit the SAVE OUR WATER website. Save Our Water is a CA state public education program. By educating Californians about our water challenges it encourages us to reduce water usage by offering:

  • infos and tools to understand issues facing our water system
  • practical tips for reducing water use indoors and outdoors

If you get a free MMWD survey and it helps you to reduce your water consumption we’d like to hear from you!