MarinSEL (Marin School of Environmental Leadership) students from Terra Linda High School collaborated with GWC in their 2014 LEAD (Leadership and Environmental Action Project)
The MarinSEL students held 3 Creek Cleanups and created a proposal and presentation to San Rafael City Council to install permanent trash booms in Gallinas Creek to reduce waste flowing downstream.
LEAD is a number of semester-long projects that students start at the very beginning of each semester.
Students work on the projects approximately once a week in Environmental Leadership Seminar
In 2015 GWC continues working with the Environmental Leadership class at TLHS for the third year. Together we are joining the City of San Rafael’s “Litterati” program, in order to identify trash “Hot Spots.”
This project will help target clean ups more effectively.
Everyone is welcome to join us and the MarinSEL students in the Litterati program! Please contact Judy at 415-472-3345.