
Marin Conservation League

The Gallinas Watershed Council was the recipient of the Marin Conservation League’s 2014 Ted Wellman Water Award. This was given to GWC at the MCL Annual Dinner on April 11, 2014.

The MCL Dinner was quite the event – attended by a veritable “who’s who” in the Marin environmental community, plus many local & regional politicians.  Many GWC members were in attendance including our current President Art Reichert.

Art accepted the MCL award and spoke about how it was especially meaningful to be recognized by our peers. Art also informed the audience of the recent purchase/preservation of Heron Hill within our watershed.

Marin Conservation League Ted Wellman Award

Marin Conservation League Ted Wellman Award

GWC received 3 certificates of recognition – a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition from Congressman Jared Huffman; a CA State Assembly Certificate of Recognition from Marc Levine; and a CA State Senate Certificate of Recognition from Noreen Evans.

The MCL gave us a framed photograph taken in the Santa Margarita Marsh in Santa Venetia of a marsh bird with an inset of text presenting the Ted Wellman Water Award to GWC “for working tirelessly towards conservation and restoration of the Gallinas Creek Watershed and its mission to connect the people who live and work in Las Gallinas Valley with their creek and watershed.”

The Ted Wellman Water Award is presented to an awardee who maintains Ted Wellman’s high standards for protecting and preserving water resources in Marin and the State.

Recent awardess include:
2013 PRBO Conservation Science
2012 Trout Unlimited North Bay Chapter
2010 The Giacomini Wetlands Restoration Project at the Point Reyes National Seashore
2009 The Volunteers of the Bay-Friendly Garden Walk
2008 Salmon Protection and Watershed Network (SPAWN)
2003 Liz Lewis, Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (MCSTOPP)

Read more here.