
Heritage Day August 27, 2016 cancelled. 

Friends of China Camp announced with great sadness, the passing of Frank Quan on August 15, 2016

Frank Quan was born in China Camp Village in 1925 and was the last remaining resident of this former shrimping village established by Chinese immigrants in the mid-1800s.

Mr. Quan served for decades as an invaluable member of the board of Friends of China Camp, helping to unite the efforts of California State Parks staff, volunteers and the Village community. Everyone could be found in Frank’s cafe on any given Saturday or Sunday, enjoying lively conversation and local gossip.

Frank Quan wanted everyone to feel at home in China Camp Village, for he loved the community who loved China Camp. Plans for a public memorial and celebration of Frank’s extraordinary life will be on the Friends of China Camp website.

Heritage Day, August 27, has been canceled.


China Camp Heritage Day 2016