
BioneersThis year the Bioneers Conference is held from October 21 to 23, 2016 at the Marin Center next to Gallinas Creek.

NEW in 2016: a BioBlitz!

A BIOBLITZ activity will be part of the Bioneers Family Fair.

A Bioblitz? That’s a biological survey event where anyone can help out as a citizen scientist. The objective is to document all the living things in the area with camera, iNaturalist smartphone app, binoculars, and enthusiasm.

This bioblitz is a FREE event that will focus on Gallinas Creek directly outside of the Bioneers Conference Exhibit Hall.

California Ridgway's Rail, formerly California Clapper Rail

California Ridgway’s Rail, formerly California Clapper Rail

BioBlitz Q&A

Q:  What is a bioblitz?
A:  A Bioblitz is a communal citizen-science effort to record as many species within a designated location and time period as possible.

Bioblitzes are great ways to engage the public to connect to their environment while generating useful data for science and conservation.

They are also an excuse for naturalists, scientists, and curious members of the public to meet in person in the great outdoors and are a lot of fun!

iNaturalist Mobile App for BioBlitz

Q:  After I download the iNaturalist app, how do I make an observation?
A:  An observation records an encounter with an individual organism at a particular time and location.

Q:  Are there video tutorials online?
A:  Yes, here

Q:  How do I register for free?
A:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gallinas-watershed-bioblitz-at-the-bioneers-conference-tickets-27762821346

Q:  Where will the observations appear?
A:  They will appear on this page as participants sync from their smartphones:

Q:  Where can I learn more about Bioblitzes?
A:   Learn more at