

The Gallinas Creek Watershed Survey results are in!

Our poll represents a strong beginning for a watershed plan in our area.

The data we collected is being sent to Marin County Watershed Program and City of San Rafael and other related agencies.

We will be posting more survey results on our website soon, including statistics on the information we collected.


We’re pleased to announce the following survey participant winners!

H.M. of Santa Venetia won the 3 day/2 night stay for 7 people in a Sea Ranch Home generously donated by Carolyn Lenert.

Andy Falk won the personal 2 hour Canoe Tour of Gallinas Creek, a trip valued at $125.

Jeanette Lee won the $50 gift certificate to Chalet Basque generously donated by Chalet Basque.

Laurette Rogers won the $50 gift certificate Gaspare’s Restaurant donated by Gaspare’s Pizza.

THANK YOU to all our very special donors!


Here are some of the kind words we received from our survey:

  • Did not know this organization existed–nice to know
  • Good work so far in raising the awareness of this issue
  • I greatly support what you’re doing
  • Thanks for all you do on behalf of your community and local environment!!


Our survey provided us some great comments and questions. We’ll be compiling them to post on our website. Relevant agency heads will be asked to answer specific questions and offer their official stance on issues.

Question: What do you mean by “council” – what form of organization is GWC, and under what jurisdiction?
Answer: GWC is a fiscally sponsored nonprofit project of MarinLink. Next year we will become our own 501c3 non-profit corporation. Our board and members are all volunteers, all live in this area, and all love and appreciate the Gallinas Watershed and Creek, headlands to marsh. By “Council”, we mean that while we all have titles and duties, we are not hierarchical; everyone has an equal voice. We are a group much like other “Friends of” Creek Groups you may be familiar with. We’re still growing and there is a place at the table for YOU.

Question: Where do we report oil/trash being dumped in creeks or storm drains?
Answer: Terri Fashing, Marin County’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention (MCSTOPPP) replies: The MCSTOPPP Local Stormwater Illegal Discharge Contacts Web page contains the necessary info to report an illegal discharge to a storm drain, creek or wetland anywhere in Marin.
Thanks again to all who participated! Stay tuned for more survey results and answers to your questions…