Oct 1, 2015 | Civic Center, Event, Issues, News, Open Space, Watershed Management Plan, Wetlands
Help the Marin Civic Center Lagoon get two Floating Island biofilters! Civic Center Watershed Restoration (CCWR) is a project to improve the water quality of the Marin Civic Center watershed. Pleae contribute to our fundraiser on Indiegogo! The goals of the CCWR...
Sep 1, 2013 | Coastal Cleanup, Event, Issues, News, Trash
The Gallinas Watershed Council (GWC) and the Santa Venetia Neighborhood Association (SVNA) are cleaning-up Gallinas Creek on Coastal Cleanup Day. RSVP to Join us Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013 at 1 PM at the McInnis Park boat dock! Coastal Cleanup Day is an annual event in...
Mar 6, 2013 | Event, News
The folks who attended the GWC monthly meeting on March 7 were eager to hear from Marin County representatives Liz Lewis (Marin County Dept of Public Works) and Elise Holland (Marin County Parks) who gave us an update on the Marin County Watershed Program....