King Tide, Mouth of Gallinas Creek, Santa Venetia

King Tide, Mouth of Gallinas Creek, Santa Venetia

King Tides this week through Saturday, January 12, 2013!

These are the highest tides of the year – some are well over 7 feet!

Join us Friday for the KING TIDE CREEK CLEANUP!

We’ll experience a 7.1 foot high tide at around 12 noon on Gallinas Creek.

Meet at 215 Vendola Ave at 10:30 AM.
RSVP Art Reichert tel 415-472-5814

Best times for going out on Gallinas Creek to see the KING TIDES and for creek cleanup:

Friday 11 AM – 1 PM
Saturday Noon – 1PM

Watch out for VERY RAPID tides!
Plan your time on the water accordingly.

Please take photos and submit to GWC.